Works for ALL AI platforms
✅ Prompts written by a BEST SELLING author and mega behind the scenes copywriter
Works for ALL AI platforms and software
✅ Both Personal and Commercial Rights are available
✅ All the tools to make you a Prompt Master Starting TODAY!

Stop Using AI ALL Wrong!

> Click Here To Get Started <

Dear Online Income Seeker,

Chat GPT and all the AI Tools that are being built are incredible tools at our fingertips but most marketers use it INCORRECTLY leaving them with lackluster results.

You might not know this but just because you use ChatGPT or other AI tools doesn't mean will get optimal results.

You need to put the RIGHT "data" into ChatGPT to get the BEST results possible.

You know what they say....

Garbage In Garbage Out

Warning - You Are on The Verge Of Becomming An AI Expert

It is super important that we know what to put into ChatGPT and other AI Tools so that you get the best results!

Here's the problem:



We all have to start from somewhere and that's why I reached out to my friend, Mr. X (the mystery man) who has and continues to endlessly research the best prompts to make money online.

Together we have compiled this list to give to you for just PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR! (Less Than 12 cents per prompt)

Copywriting Genius and Expert Content Creator Has You Covered Even If You Are Afraid To Use AI Or Just Don't Know Where To Start

(Don't Worry We Will Change This)

Perhaps you are in the camp where you are afraid to even use AI.

Wouldn't you like to open up AI and just know what to do right from the beginning? Wouldn't you like to know more than 99.9% of people who use AI?


It Literally Takes 3 Steps:

1) Find the right prompt from our BEST PROMPTS list
2) Customize it and then Use it for your marketing needs
3) Profit and collect the money 💲💲💲


You are so lucky to be reading this page right now! 💃🏼🕺🏼

Imagine just minutes from now, you can have your hands something that can start making you money for YEARS AND YEARS TO COME!

If you are looking for an easy way to add to your income stream, then this is it!

There's massive opportunity and the market is WIDE open!


Inside 99 Prompts you are getting access to literally the best prompts to make money in your business.

What's holding you back from profiting with AI is you don't know what don't know.

This is the problem with something so new yet so powerful.

Become the GO TO PERSON when it comes to using and making MONEY with AI

There's Endless Possibilities with The Prompts You Are Getting!

Generate ideas to refresh creatives
✅ Research high-growth markets and audiences to target
✅ Write a personality-driven, weekly newsletter
✅ Brainstorm ideas for products
✅ Create a content marketing strategy
✅ Optimize Facebook ads and Email subject lines to increase clicks
✅ Create upsell pages
✅ Craft human-sounding reviews
✅ Write side-by-side product comparisons
✅ Suggest questions for podcast interviews
✅ Research meta-tags and write SEO-friendly descriptions
✅ Create quiz questions & results
✅ Craft ManyChat sequences
✅ Create word-by-word scripts for YouTube and reels
✅ Write SMS campaigns, reminders & follow-ups
✅ Create high-converting sales scripts
✅ Optimize social media bios & posts for increased engagement
✅ Identify your unique brand voice
✅ Translate website copy for a global audience
✅ Summarize data for reporting & client calls

You Are Set For Life Once You Have These Prompts!

93% of Digital Marketers are NOT Utilizing ChatGPT Properly.

Unlocking the full power of AI comes only with THE RIGHT PROMPTS

Most people try a few prompts and then quit.

But it's not your fault!

I bet you didn't know this but even a slight word shift can make or break your results.

What you will soon realize and learn when you get your hands on our best prompts is that you can actually train AI to start to give you the best results. You will know how to respond and probe your AI assistant to give you the best results.

You Need To Go Deeper So That You Get Your Desired Results From AI - And That's Why You Need Prompts

We've done the hard work for you so that you can just start to get the best results which ends in money in your pocket. You will be light years ahead of everyone else who is just using the basic features of AI.

According to Fiverr AI Tasks are up 1000%, 6000%, 60%

This Digital Space NEEDS YOU!

Take The Fast Track To Start Making Money Immediately!

Here's What's Included Inside

***Beginner Friendly***

Here Are Just Some of The Categories For 99 Prompts

  • Prompt #1: The best Prompt to write a SMART well, written article
  • Prompt #2: The best Prompt to write a Headline To SELL
  • Prompt #4: Need Proof? This prompt will give you proof to validate anything you are talking about
  • Prompt #8 & #9: Want to write Smarter? This prompt will help you summarize anything
  • Prompt #14: Want to write fiction novel? Use this prompt (🔥🔥)
  • Prompt #18: Need THE PERFECT Video Script? This Prompt will write one for you!
  • Prompt #21: Want to create entire coloring books with AI? Use this one!
  • Prompt #23: This prompt will do all your keyword research
  • Prompt #25: This prompt will help you brainstorm the best ideas
  • Prompt #28: This prompt will help you create benefits for anything (no more having to agonize writing your own benefits
  • Prompt #32: Want to know if something is a good idea? This prompt will help you
  • Prompt #37: Want to avoid making a common mistake? That's what this prompt will do
  • Prompt #46: This prompt will help you surprise the viewers of your content
  • Prompt #52: Looking for a free subscriber gift but don't know what to give? This prompt solves that!
  • Prompt #58: This prompt will help you outline your entire sales copy like a famous copywriter
  • Prompt #64: Want to be more creative? This prompt has got your back! Never sound dull again
  • Prompt #73: Want the AI to just forget what [it] just said and do something else - no need to start over with this prompt!
  • Prompt #87: Take any Newsletter and polish and improve its structure and tone
  • Prompt #93: Get The best keywords for any niche
  • Prompt #96: Get AI to research the best story example for you (everyone needs this)

And There Are So Many More - Remember You Get Instant Access To 99 Of The Best Prompts You NEED Immediately

The Truth Is - You don't need another fancy AI Software, You just need to know how to USE AI Correctly and That all starts with your brain and these prompts!


As you will see, this course is offered at an amazing price and it's your ticket to AI freedom!

Take action now and get inside!

Hot Bonuses!!

For a limited time I am including some bonuses to ensure you get your printables done faster and easier than ever before.

These bonuses are only for the launch period and will be removed shortly after.

BONUS 1: Top 10 BEST AI Art Prompts

USE THESE Artwork Prompts To:

  • Stimulate creativity: Prompts can provide a starting point or a general direction encouraging it to generate original and creative artwork.
  • Streamline the creative process: With our prompts, you can generate artwork more efficiently by focusing on a specific theme or subject matter.
  • Increase variety: THE RIGHT Prompts can help AI create a diverse range of artwork by suggesting different styles, genres, or concepts.
  • Engage audience: AI artwork generated from our prompts can be more relatable to an audience because it can be themed and tailored towards specific interests and tastes.
  • Encourage collaboration: By using the correct prompts, artists and designers can collaborate with AI to generate artwork and explore new possibilities that may not have been considered otherwise.

BONUS 2 - How To Use Prompts To Make Anywhere between $250,000 - $335,000

This bonus is 🔥 RED HOT 🔥 because....

The training is easy but it's critical for your success.

It's one thing to get prompts handed to you but it's another thing to really understand what's going on behind the scenes so you can recreate the magic at any time!

Prompt engineering is one of the highest leverage skills that you can learn in 2023.

You might have already seen the news.

This new profession can pay anywhere between $250,000 and $335,000 per year, but most people only scratch the surface when using Chat GPT.

Learn the ins and outs on how to "feed" this powerful engine to get the best out of it for you and your clients.

Just by getting inside you are going to be further along than 99.9999% of the people who don't know what the heck they are dealing with when it comes to using AI most effectively.

Don't Get Left Behind!

Understand The Potential

What Customers Say About Debbie's Products...

You Can Become A Prompt Master Starting TODAY!

This Is For You....

Marketers looking to improve their content creation process.

Content creators looking to save time and get more done in less time

Writers looking to discover how to create engaging content.

Solopreneurs looking to boost their online presence and brand awareness.

Social media managers looking to generate engaging quality content across multiple platforms.

Small business owners looking to create high-quality content without hiring a team of writers.

Anyone looking to leverage the power of AI.

Don't Live Another Day In 2023 Without Getting Access To 99 Prompts

Choose One Payment Option Below

Personal Use

Use these prompts ONLY for your PERSONAL USE for your business

Commercial Use

Use these prompts for PERSONAL AND COMMERCIAL USE - means you can help your clients [Commercial License does not permit you to resell]

Web Based and Mobile Friendly

Access From Anywhere

Never Miss Anything

All Prompts available on Mobile and Desktop

This will work no matter where in the world you live

All the training is stored in one place so it's easy to access

Recap of 99 Prompts

Get instant access to 99 Prompts today for a very low price. Once your payment is complete, you'll get instant access to all of this below:

  • 99 Prompts

    Works for ALL AI platforms
    ✅ Prompts written by a BEST SELLING author and mega behind the scenes copywriter
    Works for ALL AI platforms and software
    ✅ Both Personal and Commercial Rights are available
    ✅ All the tools to make you a Prompt Master Starting TODAY!
    ✅ All prompts are for ChatGPT ready to be copied and pasted right away
  • Bonus #1: 10 AI Art Prompts
    If you have not yet explored the world of Image AI then you are in for a real treat!

    These prompts will help you get started faster!
  • Bonus #2: Prompts Insider Training
    The training is easy but it's critical for your success.

    It's one thing to get prompts handed to you but it's another thing to really understand what's going on behind the scenes so you can recreate the magic at any time!

The time is now to join in on the passive income with content you can create for your life and your business.

Total Value Well Over $497

Regular Price

Special Price -
One Time Payment

Instant & Lifetime ACCESS

   >> Choose Payment Option   

Yours Today For Only a Only a One Time Payment

Got Questions?

Here's answers to some of the most common questions we get about 99 Prompts and AI in General

Q: Who Is This For?
A: Anyone who wants to be very successful at creating amazing content to monetize using AI

Q: Why Do I Need This?
A: Because knowing what to ask is KEY to getting the best possible outcome from ChatGPT! It's the whole concept of Garbage In Garbage Out. Ask the right prompts and you will get magic back!

Q: What are AI prompts?
A: AI prompts are prompts or writing exercises designed to stimulate the creative output of an AI language model. They are typically used to generate text, such as short stories, poems, or essays.

Q: How do AI prompts work?
A: AI prompts work by providing a starting point or idea for an AI language model to generate text from. The model uses its understanding of language and context to generate text that is relevant and coherent.

Q: What are some examples of AI prompts?
A: Examples of AI prompts include writing prompts such as "Write a short story about a robot that becomes sentient," or "Write a poem about the future of technology." Other examples may include prompts related to specific topics, such as "Write an essay on the benefits and drawbacks of self-driving cars."

Q: Can anyone use AI these prompts?
A: Yes, anyone can use AI prompts. They are designed to be accessible and can be used by writers of all skill levels.

Q: What are the benefits of using AI prompts?
A: AI prompts can help stimulate creativity, generate new ideas, and provide a unique perspective on a topic. They can also be used to improve writing skills by providing practice with generating coherent and compelling text.

Q: Will This Work For Beginners?

Q: How Are the prompts delivered?
A: The prompts come in a simple spreadsheet that you can access from the cloud and use anytime you want.

Get Inside Now - The
99 Prompts Are Waiting For You

Click Here To Get Started TODAY

Lifetime Access

To Easy Passive Income For ANYONE!

Debbie Drum

Recap of 99 Prompts

Get instant access to 99 Prompts today for a very low price. Once your payment is complete, you'll get instant access to all of this below:

  • 99 Prompts

    Works for ALL AI platforms
    ✅ Prompts written by a BEST SELLING author and mega behind the scenes copywriter
    Works for ALL AI platforms and software
    ✅ Both Personal and Commercial Rights are available
    ✅ All the tools to make you a Prompt Master Starting TODAY!
    ✅ All prompts are for ChatGPT ready to be copied and pasted right away
  • Bonus #1: 10 AI Art Prompts
    If you have not yet explored the world of Image AI then you are in for a real treat!

    These prompts will help you get started faster!
  • Bonus #2: Prompts Insider Training
    The training is easy but it's critical for your success.

    It's one thing to get prompts handed to you but it's another thing to really understand what's going on behind the scenes so you can recreate the magic at any time!

The time is now to join in on the passive income with content you can create for your life and your business.

Total Value Well Over $497

Regular Price

Special Price -
One Time Payment

Instant & Lifetime ACCESS

Yours Today For Only a Only a One Time Payment