See PresentBot In Action

Note: You don't need a long slideshow to make money. We make money with as little as 5 slides teaching some content. Short Consumable Content is the name of the game in today's market.

New! Create Video Shorts, Entire Books, Outlines, AND MORE....



  • Tap Into $398 Billion Industry
  • No Long Ebooks or Writing
  • No Investing
  • Get 82% Of All Web Traffic
  • No Fancy Tools
  • No Experience Needed
  • Beginner Friendly
  • No Need to be on Camera
  • Works in Any Niche
  • One Click Download
  • Use Existing Content
  • Repurpose your OLD Content
  • Use PLR Content
  • Use AI Created Content
  • Make Affiliate Sales
  • Use PresentBot As a Service To Make $$
  • Create videos for passive income
  • Perfect for virtual assistants
  • Get Started NOW
  • LOW Intro Price!
> Click Here To Get Started <

Dear Future Passive Income Earner,

Queens of Content here, Amy Harrop & Debbie Drum.

Individually, we've been making multiple six figures ever since we started online over 12 years ago.

What's our secret? It's simple really....

We follow the flow of money! 💲🤑

For over 24 years combined, we've been able to be our own bosses and work from home and make passive income just from creating content online. Most people don't know what the heck that means, but chances are if you are reading this letter, you might have some idea.

Content comes in the form of written, audio, video and graphics.

We make money with all 4 of these forms modalities and it's wonderful.

The GOOD NEWS is that today we want to show you how you can create content that is so simple and make passive income with it over and over again. Not only can you make money, but you can get free leads and traffic too!

You can even do this as a service.

You are so lucky to be reading this page right now! 💃🏼🕺🏼

Successful marketers are doing what we are talking about today right under our noses and it is finally being revealed.

Instantly Create & Monetize Your Existing Content, PLR Content, Visual Content and Even AI Content!

Deb and Amy here to show you in this letter how exactly to take one piece of content (even PLR and AI Content) and turn it into a powerhouse of ways that you can gain exposure, increase traffic and make more sales to your offers.

We will show you:

  • How To Get Massive Mileage Out Of The Content You Already Have
  • Tap into research, PLR, AI and visual content to create entirely brand-new content in a wide range of formats.
  • Easily Use and Reuse That PLR Sitting On Your Computer for More Traffic and Sales
  • Automate the Hardest and Most Tedious Parts So You Have Time for More Fun and Less Work (everyone loves this part!!)

Look At These Results We've Accomplished

$17 Over and Over With Simple Powerpoint Slides

These sales were over a couple years proving that it truly is on-going passive income!

Only 20 Minutes Was Spent On This One 👇👇

This Works - Grab A Piece Of The Pie -

There's Enough For Everyone!

If You Can Point, Click, Copy & Paste,
Then This Is For You!

The EASIEST Way To Make Passive Income
Right Now (and Forever)

With This Method...Here's What You WON'T NEED

  • No Paid Traffic
  • No College Degree
  • No FB Ads
  • No Complicated Sales Copy
  • No Writing long ebooks or posts

Any Time You Add Automation In Your Business, You Can Literally Clone Yourself and Be Everywhere At Once

Meet your new friend, PresentBot.

PresentBot is our little robot buddy who makes us passive income and we are introducing him to you!

Instead of paying expensive workers or even worse, being everywhere yourself, you can get a robot to do all the work for you while you kick back, relax and actually enjoy life!

Once you adopt automation into your business and let PresentBot do the work for you - grasp it with open arms, you WILL enjoy your passive income and the joy it brings you.

It's Time For You To Start Right NOW

How Would You Like To Spend 20 Minutes On Something And Just Make Sales Passively...


Introducing PresentBot

Who / What Is PresentBot?

The PresentBot App is Web-based and allows you to create and REPURPOSE content that you can use for active and passive income from now until the end of time.

PresentBot will work for you non-stop for as long as you will let it!

Read on to see some examples of how you can make money with PresentBot.

PresentBot helps you get more targeted traffic with content you already have and content that you don't even need to create yourself!

Turn Old Content Into New

You can use existing content or content you didn't even create yourself and turn it into simple slides people LOVE to consume!

Dust off the PLR. Create content with AI and use it in the way we show you to make money.

You can make an extremely amazing living off of these simple content and that's what we are here to show you!

It's Not Just Us - Marketers Are Making Millions With This Method

Here are some marketers who are already doing exactly what we are talking about here and proving our point that this works, it's passive and most importantly....ANYONE can do it!

The Old Way Versus The PresentBot Way

PresentBot is designed for the person who creates content and has a bunch of content like PLR DREADS the actual creation process.

If you are a presenter, you just want to snap your fingers and make your presentation ready to be delivered.

You don’t want to do the formatting, copy, pasting, duplicating, back and forth that goes along with creating your powerpoint presentations.

And if you have assistants who do all this (which you as the presenter still have to be very involved) they don't like this dreaded work either! You are paying for this time!

Well now you can get your presentations done with just a few clicks of the mouse - using PresentBot!

PresentBot is A Simple Yet Powerful Web-Based Application that allows you to create ENTIRE Powerpoint Presentations and slides in a matter of minutes. You can use your own content or existing content like PLR and AI.

PresentBot Works With:

When you want make money with simple slides, sure you can pop open a powerpoint doc, Google slides doc, and EVEN CANVA - but take it from us, the formatting and putting in the images takes A LOT of time.

So instead of putting your money making presentation together, you are stuck formatting and putting in images.

All of this triples the time it takes for you to get stuff done.

Wouldn't you rather spend 20 minutes on something and make passive income forever than 20 hours!

Wouldn't you like to have a robot do all the hard work for you so that you can focus on what's important? Yes, me too and that's why we created PresentBot.

No more hiring expensive Virtual Assistants to do your formatting!

Use PresentBot Instead!

The Method Is Simple But Profitable and Powerful

It's Just 3 Steps

Step 1

👉Create Your Account So PresentBot Can Start Working For You

Take existing content you already have OR use PLR and NOW, even AI created content!

Step 2

🎙Copy/Paste or Upload Your docx file or Create Your File from right inside PresentBot

Step 3

⚡Your Slide Presentation Download is Instantly Ready

Now all you need to do is distribute that content with a few mouse clicks for massive traffic and sales!

Meet Dave.

Dave doesn't want you to see his face because he is a "behind the scenes" guy!

However, Dave remains behind the scenes but he put together a few powerpoint slides about his favorite affiliate product and he actually makes passive income.

Bill had no background, no list, no NOTHING and he still makes passive income because he took action by choosing a product and making a short presentation about his favorite product.

This is how easy it can be for YOU!

***Beginner Friendly***
Also Great For Experienced Marketers!

Money Making Opportunities With PresentBot

Strategy #1 - Repurpose Content

Do you have old content PLR and now, even a bunch of AI content that you want to repurpose and get traffic from?

If the answer is YES, you will LOVE PresentBot.

PresentBot allows you to easily take content and create NEW and FRESH content you can use to get new eyeballs and new subscribers and buyers!

Strategy #2 - Create Presentations In MINUTES Instead of Hours

Want to teach a course or a lesson or give a webinar presentation?

This was actually the first purpose of why we built PresentBot for our own business.

Amy & Deb give presentations ALL THE TIME and this cuts down on SO MUCH TIME it takes from start to finish.

PresentBot creates slide presentations with just a few clicks!

Strategy #3 - Video Salesletters For Your Business or As A Service

Video salesletters make millions.

We are talking about SIMPLE slides with black text on a white background.

As you will see in the demo, PresentBot also creates advanced slides but this does not have to be complicated at all!

Luther Landro is one marketer who comes to mind. Every one of his salesletters has just slides and black text just like the one above.

Anyone can do this and it's your turn now!

Can you imagine now cutting the time in HALF or even more and making one of those presentation videos in 10 minutes and having the potential to make money on-going forever and ever?

Strategy #4 - Create New Videos In Minutes To Use For Traffic, Getting Subscribers and Sales

Capitalize On Video

HUGE Audience of


(Over 3.6 BILLION People)

  • Every business needs video
  • There's no getting around it
  • PresentBot Makes It Fast and Simple

Strategy #5 - Make Money From Creating Vids and Presentations as a Service

Thousands of people need help creating presentations, videos, slides, tutorials, VSLs, and webinars right now…

There are over 3,009 jobs on Upwork for this kind of work (possibly even more tomorrow…)

Making money with PresentBot is SO EASY!

See below at what you can charge to put together these simple slides for others!

Instead of doing this manually, you can use PresentBot to make the job easier.

Get It Done FASTER....Get Paid Faster!

Look How Much You Can Charge
For Presentation Creation


Strategy #6 - Repurpose Blog Content In Minutes

Attention Bloggers!

GET MORE out of your written content - even content you didn't create yourself (like PLR and AI content).

If you have written content, why not get the most out of it by repurposing it and then getting traffic from other sites that will lead people to your main content?

Do the work ONCE and have it work for you over and over again.

PresentBot makes it easy for you to repurpose content in just a few clicks.

Strategy #7 - Sell Affiliate Products

This is one of our FAVORITE WAYS to use PresentBot.

You don't even have to create products yourself!

You can create content to sell affiliate products using PresentBot.

All you need to do is talk about your favorite products and create the visual content with PresentBot to professionally demonstrate the affiliate product you are recommending!

No Need To Be On Camera!

In fact, it's actually better to NOT be on camera for the methods we are revealing inside of PresentBot!

Trusted And Approved By End Users

This Awesome Video Was CreatedWith PresentBot

Hot Bonuses!!

For a limited time we are including some bonuses to ensure you get the MOST out of PresentBot!

We'll show you how to cash in with PresentBot!

These bonuses are only for the launch period and will be removed shortly after.


Use PresentBot To Tap Into the $398 Billion Dollar Industry

Anyone and everyone can be part of this on-going, never ending opportunity.

PresentBot will help you tap into this HUGE INDUSTRY of online virtual learning and will have you ready in minutes to make money (instead of hours, days and even weeks).

All you need to do is GET INSIDE right now! Take action!


PresentBot Distribution For Massive Traffic

Amy and Deb are known as The Queens Of Content. This means that we make on-going passive income with simple content.

This simple content that is created once can be repurposed in a variety of different ways to keep making you money over and over again!

It's a beautiful thing.

We will show you how to do that in this bonus #2. 🔥 🔥

  • How To Get Massive Mileage Out Of The Content You Already Have
  • Never Waste Work You've Done in the Past -There's Always a Way to Reuse It
  • Easily Use and Reuse That PLR Sitting On Your Computer for More Traffic and Sales
  • Automate the Hardest and Most Tedious Parts So You Have Time for More Fun and Less Work (everyone loves this part!!)

Be Found Everywhere
(With No Additional Work)



Don't buy ADDITIONAL expensive software to create a Flipbook!!

In this NEW BONUS - Debbie shows you how you can use PresentBot and some free tools to create unlimited flipbooks!

You Won't Want To Miss This!

Take A Look At The Sample

There is NOTHING Online that is
THIS EASY To Make Money

Even For Beginners!

Who Is PresentBot For?

  • Blog Owners
  • Agencies
  • Coaches
  • Consultants
  • Product Creators
  • Experts
  • Trainers
  • Authors
  • Public Speakers
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Newbies / Beginners

You Can Start Profiting TODAY And Make
On-Going Income With PresentBot


7-Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Get PresentBot for 7 days and if you are not absolutely satisfied, then just ask for your money back, no questions asked!  

Do whatever it takes to convince yourself that it is possible to finally succeed with making more money, gaining more fans and having more passive income and traffic.  

But if for any reason whatsoever, you are not completely satisfied, just let me know and your fee will be fully refunded.  

You can cancel during this time, and for ANY reason.  

That's how certain I am that you are going to love this.  

So what are you waiting for? This is 100% risk-free!  

Fair enough?  

Ok, then all that's left to do is buy this before this limited time offer CLOSES FOR GOOD!

An Exciting New Automation Tool

Plug and Play PresentBot right into your business and have your new robot friend not only do all the work for you BUT also help you create an automated passive income stream into your business every day!

It worked for us and so many others and it can work for you too!

Recap of PresentBot & What You Get

Get instant access to PresentBot today for a very low intro price. Once your payment is complete, you'll get instant access to all of this below:

  • Web-Based PresentBot App
  • Password Protected Private Account
  • Import Docx files of your content
  • Copy and Paste content
  • Re-order text easily
  • Import images for slide backgrounds
  • Import images for slide with text
  • Unlimited Projects (Save 10)
  • Mass format your content for optimal viewing
  • No more fumbling around with tedious formatting
  • Commercial License Included
  • BONUS 1: Use PresentBot To Tap Into the $398 Billion Dollar Industry
  • BONUS 2 - Repurpose Content For On-Going Passive Income

The time is now to join in on the passive income with content you can create for your life and your business.

Total Value Well Over $497

Regular Price

Special Price -
One Time Payment $47

Instant & Lifetime ACCESS

   >> Add To Cart   

Yours Today For Only a Only a One Time Payment

You Can Easily Do This Too

Got Questions?

Here's answers to some of the most common questions we get about PresentBot.

  • Who is PresentBot?

The PresentBot App is Web-based and allows you to create documents that you can use for active and passive income from now until the end of time.

PresentBot will work for you non-stop for as long as you will let it!

  • Does PresentBot Work on PC’s and Macs?

The PresentBot App is web-based so it works on any computer that has an internet connection.

  • Is It Easy To Use?

We designed the PresentBot App so it is EXTREMELY easy to use! If you can copy, paste, drag and drop you should be good to go!

  • Will this work for any niche?

YES! The amazing thing about this is that it works for ANY NICHE under the sun.

  • Will this work for beginners?

YES! You really don’t ANY special skills. If you can follow some simple instructions and take action, as well as point and click your mouse, then you pretty much have everything you need to succeed.

  • Can I use the software for commercial use?

YES!! That's one of the major benefits of the tool especially if you want to make easy money. You can do slides for other people and get handsomely rewarded.

  • Do I have to be on camera?

NO - you absolutely don't need to be on camera to succeed with the help of PresentBot.

  • Do you show me how to make money?

YES! That is included!

  • What programs does PresentBot work with?

PresentBot works with Powerpoint, Canva, Google Slides and Keynote


The price will definitely increase after the launch. Eventually, we may turn this into a monthly subscription model at any time. So don't want and get your copy today and have the wonderful feeling of getting a steal of a deal!

We need lots of resources to run this much needed tool and we want to make it the best for you.

And this way we will be able to support our operations more effectively, have enough resources for new features & develop the platform further.

Remember this low one-time price will NEVER be offered again. You will lose out big if you don't grab this deal now!

Why Getting PresentBot Is A No Brainer

Anyone Can Do This - You don't need to be a guru or have special skills or a specific age or race.

Just Follow Simple Directions - No special skills required, no special degrees.

Be Behind The Scenes - You can out of the spotlight if you want to. You can also be in the spotlight if you want -- it's up to YOU!

Beginner Friendly - Perfect for people just starting our or even advanced marketers who want to add traffic and new revenue streams.

No Advanced Marketing Tactics - No complicated facebook ads or funnels or even websites. You don't need any of that stuff to succeed.

Works In Any Niche - There is NO NICHE this doesn't work for! There are endless ideas to profit.

Get Inside Now - We Are Waiting For You

Click Here To Get Started

To Easy Passive Income For ANYONE!

Debbie Drum & Amy Harrop

PS - Remember If you can copy and paste you can do this!

PPS - This is the easiest method of creating passive income for your business today.

Recap of PresentBot & What You Get

Get instant access to PresentBot today for a very low intro price. Once your payment is complete, you'll get instant access to all of this below:

  • Web-Based PresentBot App
  • Password Protected Private Account
  • Import Docx files of your content
  • Copy and Paste your content
  • Re-order text easily
  • Import images for slide backgrounds
  • Import images for slide with text
  • Unlimited Projects (Save 10)
  • Mass format your content for optimal viewing
  • No more fumbling around with tedious formatting
  • Commercial License Included
  • BONUS 1: Use PresentBot To Tap Into the $398 Billion Dollar Industry
  • BONUS 2 - Repurpose Content For On-Going Passive Income

The time is now to join in on the passive income with content you can create for your life and your business.

Total Value Well Over $497

Regular Price

Special Price -
One Time Payment $47

Instant & Lifetime ACCESS

Yours Today For Only a Only a One Time Payment